

Discover new ways of practicing an age-old tradition.


Mind, Body, & Soul

Viva Bem Live Good was born from the idea that the present moment is the most valuable moment to be a part of, and it’s inevitably the most difficult moment to stay present within. Viva Bem Live Good is a holistic vision meant to integrate mind, body, and soul. Yoga teaches us to be present, the water represents a sense of calm, and the paddleboard integrates an aspect of fun and play that we often begin to forget as adults. 

They say that you will never leave where you are until you decide where you would rather be. What you will find is that SUP Yoga is the place you will want to be! 

Come join in the fun and discover new ways of practicing an age-old tradition!


Yoga teaches us to be present.


Water represents a sense of calm.


The paddleboard integrates an aspect of fun & play that we often forget as adults.

SUP Yoga

Paddleboard vinyasa style yoga on the lake.

Private Classes

Get one-on-one experience or schedule a group private class at the location of your choice!

SUP Yoga in a Pool

Paddleboard yoga at Westonka Activity Center in Mound, MN.

Paddleboards & Paddles

Premium paddle boards & paddles from Paddle North.

Health & Wellness Supplements with Mõdere

Get $10 OFF your first order by clicking HERE and enter discount code 8658377 at checkout.


About Erin

Erin Azevedo is the founder and co-owner alongside her husband Nilton. She always dreamed of being a surfer and has taken an active interest in all activities involving water since she was a kid. While pursuing her dream of learning to surf, she stumbled upon paddle board yoga or SUP yoga and fell in love! SUP yoga offered her the ability to have fun while being more present, active, and engaged. The qualities represented a balance that she found important to come back to frequently, especially as life got more hectic!

Viva Bem Live Good is the idea that you are enough as you are, and each moment is meant to be experienced fully. A regular yoga practice can be a powerful teacher for staying in the moment. Erin’s favorite quote is from Benjamin Disraeli and states, “Life is too short to be small.”

Erin has been a competitive swimmer most her life, has competed in marathons and dabbled in triathlons. She loves the practice of jiu jitsu, yoga, and anything outdoors. Erin has 5 children and 2 dogs. She is certified in vinyasa, hot, and paddleboard yoga. Erin has over 15 years combined experience in international development, health coaching, training, curriculum development and fitness instruction.


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I started this business as a mom who lost her way… I was tired, stressed, and I gave up all the things that once brought me joy because I didn’t have space for them anymore.

This was a remnant, a long lost idea that I once dreamed about doing. A dream from when I had the energy, drive and passion to make anything and everything happen.

I decided to start this business for that woman… ME…stressed, burned out, and never taking time for self care… this business was to give that woman a break and to give that woman space to think and to find her spark again…. To give that woman permission to take care of herself again, to be in nature, and to move❤️

This is for all the strong women out there! 🙏❤️

#moms #supyoga #yoga #paddleboard #lakeminnetonka #minnesotalakes

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People always ask me if they will fall. My response is that those people that fall have more fun if they do. The minute they fall, is also the minute they stop worrying about falling, and start feeling into the practice. SUP yoga teaches us that some times our fears hold us back from the experience we are seeking ❤️🙏 #yoga #supyoga #paddleboarding #yogalessons #business ...

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SUP Yoga at it’s finest ❤️ we captured the most beautiful day🙏 what a blessing 😊 #supyoga #paddleboard #yoga #minnesotalakes #lakeminnetonka ...

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Ever wonder what SUP Yoga is like???
You are welcome😊❤️🎆

#supyoga #paddleboard #minnesotalakes #lakeminnetonka

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SUP Dog is back!!!🎉🎉🎉 try out paddleboarding with your best furry friend! - sign up now as spots are limited and you don’t want to miss this❤️ #supdog #minnesotalakes #lakeminnetonka #vivabemlivegood ...

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Back Channel this Saturday!!! ... See MoreSee Less

2 months ago

This. Is. SUP Yoga. ❤️🎉😊 ... See MoreSee Less

2 months ago

Some fun photos of classes lately❤️ my class out of Back Channel Brewing tomorrow has 4 spots left if you are interested 😉

Viva bem. Live good - SUP Yoga
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2 months ago
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